Who We Are
ERISA Services, Inc. was founded in 1981 to specifically focus on retirement plan design and tax advantaged savings plans for small to mid-sized businesses. Our purpose is to help you and your employees become Retirement Ready.
With 40 years in business and more than 500 combined years of personnel tenure in the retirement and pension industry, ERISA Services, Inc. represents clients spanning various industries including investment and financial groups, manufacturing companies, medical practices, professional organizations, traditional family-owned businesses, and sole proprietorships. Our vision is to make a positive impact on the retirement readiness of the communities we serve through our focus on client experience.
ERISA Services, Inc. is a TPA organization that does not provide investment advice or sell investments. We administer more than 1,700 plans using state-of-the-art technology to provide strategic and accurate service to our clients. Our mission is to provide prompt, personal, and professional service to our clients in the area of pension design and administration, while using the teachings of Christ as a guideline to how we operate.
Dale Horst
Founder & Chairman of the Board
Phone: (865) 966-1225
Dale is the founder and owner of ERISA Services, Inc. Dale graduated from the University of Tennessee with a degree in Education. After teaching for two years, he entered the insurance and investment business and from there went into his current position. He is a frequent speaker on subjects related to Qualified Retirement Plans. Dale and his wife Teresa live in Loudon County. Dale and Teresa both were members of the Pride of the Southland Marching Band where Dale was the Drum Major for three seasons. They have two grown children, Tommy and Tiffany, who both work with Dale at ERISA Services.
A Message From Our Founder
Tommy Horst
President & Chief Executive Officer
Phone: (865) 966-1225
Tommy grew up in the family business, ERISA Services, Inc. and has been working with his father full-time since 2002. Tommy graduated from the University of Tennessee in Knoxville with a major in accounting. While at UT, he was the Drum Major for the Pride of the Southland Marching Band for two seasons. While in the band, he met his wife, Jessica, who was the Head Majorette for two years. Jessica also works at ERISA Services as the controller. Tommy and Jessica have a daughter, Presley, and a son, Lincoln, who will without a doubt go to the University of Tennessee, march in the Pride of the Southland Band, and work at ERISA Services at some point in time.
Jessica Horst
Shareholder/Chief Financial Officer
Tiffany Horst
Shareholder/VP of Business Development & Marketing
Nick Westmoreland
Partner/VP of Business Development of GA
Bob Miller
Partner/VP of Business Development of Midwest
Bridget Jarvis
Partner/VP of Business Development of AL
Tommy Horst
Kristie Farmer
Chief Operating Officer
Lois Ann Smithers
Director of Administration
Diane Cate
Director of Relationship Management
Kathe Willings
Director of Human Resources